Cinematography Mailing List - CML



Sponsorship information CML - Cinematography Mailing List

CML is the only system that is still email based and not just web based and that doesn't sell subscriber lists or embed hidden ads.

We have 24/7/365 backup with multiple servers and network connections.

40 million emails a year use a lot of bandwidth! :-)

The basic website, not the discussion list interface, gets around 806,000 unique visitors per year with 45% of them repeat visitors.

CMLTests the new tests only site had 34,000 unique visitors and a huge increase in visitors from China!

Again, a lot of bandwidth. Around 9868.75GB in total just for the basic site!

When I started CML in 1996 I paid the huge cost of £11.75 per month myself! I could manage that :-)

Within a couple of years we had grown to 250 members and a website of edited pages, the costs had increased significantly and I commented on this on list.

JPB of Aaton said that he would sponsor the list at the rate of $1 per member per year, he was joined by more and more sponsors and CML finally began to totally pay for itself from about 2005 when membership got to 2,400. It's now over 12,250 but we haven't increased sponsorship rates since 2005.

Sponsorship and subscriptions ensures that we are free of advertising, no lists of members are ever marketed or shared and the broad spread of sponsors protects us from pressure and ensures the freedom of speech of the members.

We now have three levels of sponsorship, all get a tag line acknowledgement on every message sent out via CML, Gold get twice as many appearances on the various web pages as Silver Sponsors do, and Bronze half as many.

The images on the web pages are as random as it is possible to make them!

In 2018 Gold Sponsors logos appeared approximately 300,000 times per sponsor.

If you wish to sponsor CML then please either click the button below to set up a regular credit card payment or email to be invoiced and pay on an annual basis.

The CML year now runs January to January it used to run from NAB to NAB.

We have regular "in the flesh" meetings at CineGear and IBC when sponsors and members can meet.

The cost of sponsoring CML has not increased for 14 years...

To support us please use the dropdown menu below and select the level of support.

Thank you


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